Monday, November 07, 2005

Charity, who needs it?

Yesterday as I was walking from Clarke Quay to Merlion Park, I had to walk pass 2 underpass. At the first underpass, there's this 30+ years old man playing the guitar with his marvellous voice. Real nice. Then there's a little girl sitting beside him. Upon closer look, there's nothing physically wrong with the man and his daughter.

In the eyes of most Singaporeans, this man is just trying to cheat money because he is not physically disabled. People like him should be working for some company and earn a monthly income instead of begging for money.

Why not take another view about this issue. Who would want to stand there for hours, playing the guitar and sing until sore throat just to earn that miserable amount of money. That man can just sit there, wear tattered clothes and beg for money easily. I believe that if there's job for that man to do, he will gladly take up the job offer.

Another issue is the charity issue. Don't worry, I'm not trying to criticise about the operation of the charity organisation. You see, those people who are already part of the charity organisation are already benefitting from the donations. Those who really needs help are those needy people without belonging to any charity organisation. Those are the pitiful ones.

Lastly, let me end this by asking you this question: "When was the last time you do your bit for charity sincerely?"


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