Thursday, March 20, 2008

Racial... Harmony?

Sensitive topic. Always wanted to write about it but can't find a good way to approach it for fear it will spark a war and end up getting myself into trouble. A little spark can start a big fire. But now, I've found a peaceful way to write it out.

We were having a discussion on this topic (Racial Harmony) and then one of my friends suddenly said something very true. "There's no racial harmony in Singapore, there's only racial tolerance." How interesting and true.

Is there really "harmony" among all the races in Singapore? I won't say no but it's not a 100% confirmed "yes" either. Citing all the racist joke such as "you can't see an Indian at night" or "Chinese are dirty pigs". Obviously, those who make such comments are the retarded ones. They are the one who spoils our racial harmony.

I have great Malay friends to begin with. They know our Chinese culture and we know their Malay way of living. We respect their values and beliefs while they understand our tradition. Maybe "respect" is a better word for "tolerance".

Now ask yourself, are you giving "respect" for the other races in Singapore or simply "tolerating" them? For example, the Malay wedding and the Chinese funeral wake at the bottom of the void deck. Are we respecting our fellow Singaporeans or simply tolerating it and trying to ignore it?

You are in a group of discussion where the majority is of another race. Do they talk in a universal language and get you involved? Now turn the table around and ask yourself again.

Which is the race (in Singapore, of course) that appears to be the least harmonious? Why? Sometimes, it's just that they might be the majority at a certain period of undefined time. Then they will start talking, laughing and mocking people from other races. Is it only when you are the minority then you will feel the pain?

Racial tolerance? I think it's true when my friend says "there's no racial harmony in Singapore, there's only racial tolerance." What to do? I don't know. Everyone just need to be a little bit more considerate for the other racial group, maybe tolerance will soon become harmony.

Will there be a racial riot again? What if we can't tolerate anymore?


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