Friday, August 25, 2006

Stray cat

PLEASE DO NOT FEED STARY ANIMALS. Yeah, that's the poster I got from Tampines Town Council a few months back. I got it magnet-ed to my refrigerator.

Down the stairs, to the road, I heard cat's meow. I was wondering if I am hearing things because my morning-hunger cat always wake me up in the morning with its meow-ing. I crossed the road and I saw this small little kitten purring. According to my experience with cats, this kitten is obviously hungry. I picked him up, brought him across the road and up the lift to my house. Prepared some cat food for him.

Now here's the problem. I can't possibly be feeding it for life. Although a cat's life is only about 30 years but that's a long way! What if the kitty is hungry again? Who will be so nice to feed it? What if one day the kitty got into the hand of some abusemaniac cat killer? What if one day he's dead.

Actually I shouldn't worry too much about stray cat getting hungry. Cats are really intelligent species. They know how to source for food and drink even in the most undesirable condition. I guess that's why Singapore government discourages people from feeding stray cats. I don't care. I just don't like to see them in the state of hunger, purring out loud, looking into every passerby with a "feed-me-please" eye while they just walk past without even giving a look back.

After all, cats are living things too. You can't deny that! Cat are not destructive either. You might want to argue that. Some residents claim that their car got scratched by stray cats and some even say that cat urine and litter makes the void deck smelly. I would like to say that these people are either not clever, stupid or liars.

First thing first, cat don't scratch cars because the surface of the car is too smooth to be scratched. Unless you didn't polish and wash your car for centuries, then maybe cat might scratch. Most wild cat would be scratching on tree bark because that's the best option.

Another thing for liars out there, cat don't litter or urine everywhere. They are borned with the intelligent to clean up their waste. They will dig a hole in the grass and deposit their waste materials in it. Upon doing so, they will make sure they cover it back and leave no trace of dirty smell behind. So if you claim you see cat's litter or urine at the void deck, it might belong to:
1) dog
2) your little brother
3) your children
4) yourself

If you think dog is the best pet, think again.


Blogger Klaredesu said...

OMG, I always get so agitated when I read about cats. YES, I agree with you 100% on this... Ah~ How I wish I can have a cat as pet one day... XD
//And that's so kind of you, to feed cats... ^

28 September, 2014 23:21  

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