Sunday, October 08, 2006

Chinese poem :: Leaf

This is my first attempt in writing a chinese poem. Although I find chinese word is easier to rhyme, but you need to have the feeling and make it rhyme with meaning. I'm sorry if this poem is not well written because I didn't study higher chinese nor chinese literature. I'm just an average chinese with average standard of chinese.

This poem is titled "Leaf" to show the strong life of a leaf. The leaf is living on a tree but he wants to get close to the flower below him. When the leaf is close to the flower, he then realise that there is already another leaf for the flower. Describing the life, sadness, lust and vibrant of leaf in a romantic chinese poetic feel.

Okay, I know you have been waiting. But before viewing the poem, you agree that you will not edit, copy, record, store, misue or re-publish this poem in another website without my permission. If you really like it, let me know. If you don't like it, let me know. If you want to use it, let me know. If you got a comment on it, let me know.


Don't say you don't understand what I'm trying to say because you are adviced to read paragraph 2 of this entry before making such comment. If there's any line you don't understand, ask. I will be glad to answer.


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