Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Airborne allergy? Try Flixonase!

I have airborne allergy. Not really serious I guess but I'm currently on medication.

Airborne allergy? It's an allergy of the nose cause by dirt and dust particles in the air. Examples of airborne allergy are itchy/water eyes, runny nose, nose-block and continuous sneezing.

My nose is sensitive (not as sensitive as dog). The slightest change in air particles will trigger a continous sneezing on my nose. Myth has it that if you sneeze, you heart will stop. Of course, it isn't true. If it's true, I would have died due to continuous sneezing.

And so, I went to a clinic, complains about my stupid nose and the doctor recommend me this drug: Fluticasone, an active ingredient found in Flixonase. On the nice box cover, it has the word "POISON" spells out in all language clearly in red. POISON?! Of course, it's safe, if you follow your doctor's prescription.

Only one spray each into each nostrils every morning. Meaning two sprays a day. Oh, did I mention it's a spray? How else you want medication to be inserted into your nose? Pop in a capsule? Because my problem is abit serious than normal, the doctor recommend me to do two sprays into each nostrils.

I did some research on the Internet for the side effects, quite stunning to know.
  • Nosebleeds (luckily my nose didn't bleed)
  • Dryness and irritation of nose and throat (maybe that explains why I drink alot of water)
  • Headache (I always have headache, I guess Flixonase is the cause)
  • Unpleasant taste and smell (well, just need to get use to the smell)
  • Perforation of nasal septum (what is this, heck care)

    Been about 5 months since I started using Flixonase. At first it was working like a charm. Even better than a charm. All my nose problem were gone. I don't even remember having funny noises from my nose every morning, no more runny nose or nose block. But, good times don't last. Maybe my nose wins the battle against Flixonase and problem comes back again.

    Went back to the same doctor after finishing my first medication. The doctor sells me another bottle of Flixonase. OH~ The doctor says that I should try out another bottle first. If my nose still doesn't get well, he will have to introduce me to consult nose specialist at Changi Hospital. So serious?!

    Still using the Flixonase but not really good. One spray each is not effective for me. Two sprays each will cause me to have headache. Sometimes, I just don't spray, I feel worse. Am I hooked on to the drug?

    I don't want to have funny medical instruments stuck up my nose. I don't want to have operation. Operation is scary.

    So, if you have airborne allergy, you can try Flixonase. Flixonase is proven to work for many people. Han Wei, are you reading this?

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