Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Can you listen?

A: Listen to me.
B: NO! Listen to me!
A: Listen to me first!!

An argument of conflict usually occurs when the parties involved doesn't listen to what others have to say.

That's the problem with the people today. We don't listen; we just like to talk on and on whenever there's something in our mind. Of course, someone has to do the talking while other someone has to do the listening.

Of course, I can understand the frustration Zihui experienced because no one wants to listen to her on why she choose the job she like despite a lower salaray.

I seriously don't know why. Those blabbering faster than Jay Chou rapping always think that the whole world wants to listen to them. In actual fact, it's just that sometimes in a group, we just give in.

In a group, there will be the quieter one too. I belong to the quiet one. Not because I don't like to engage in discussion but because usually I'm too slow in responding. I need time to process what people say and generate what I should say. If I happen to be replying faster in online messenger, it's because I'm replying nonsense.

Honestly speaking, I'm a good listener. No that I'm boasting about myself but it's the truth. I enjoy listening to people confiding in me about their problems and sharing with me their joys. Are you a good listener?

Listening is a pleasure. If you put in more attention in listening to the little things around you instead of MP3s, you will definitely notice something different. Do you feel the peace?

So, stop talking and start listening.


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