Tuesday, February 28, 2006

5 star service, 1 star pricing

Have you ever been to a 5 star hotel to eat a plate of chicken rice?
Have you ever been to a coffee shop to eat a plate of chicken rice?

A plate of chicken rice at 5 star hotel cost about $20.
A plate of chicken rice at coffee shop cost $2.50.

What's the difference? Brand. Expensive food doesn't mean good food. Good food doesn't mean it has to be expensive.

Yesterday, I went to the coffee shop opposite Tampines Mall and Century Square to buy dinner. The reason for me buying there is because of the superb quality chicken rice. Perfect. What makes it more perfect is the service. They greet, smile and thank you (GST). That makes my day. $2.50 a plate of chicken rice and the service I got is about that of a 5 star restaurant.

Good job!

Friday, February 17, 2006


What does education actually means. It means to educate. HUH? What does "educate" means then? According to www.dictionary.com, "educate" means "to teach or instruct a person or group".

We educate ourself by attending lessons because we want to gain knowledge. Okay, at least that's what the mindset of people living in the 17th century.

Living in 21st century. Education doesn't mean gaining more knowledge anymore. Kids as young as 3 years old started to attend lesson in school just because of "kiasu" parents. They want to nuture their kids and make sure that the are among the "top elite". Now it seems that education doesn't mean knowledge. Alot of people take lesson just to pass exam. After passing the exam, the knowledge is forgotten. We just want that piece of paper as proof that we are somebody and hoping that we can have better jobs and salary.

What do we actually gain after all these education other than friendship? We are just trying to get a top graded paper stating that we are some qualified people for the job.

Some people even don't get to work in the industry in which they studied. Does that means that all these years of my study will go down the drain if I decide to work in another industry after my graduate?

Maybe this is life. Or maybe it's me who don't understand life.