Friday, October 28, 2005

If I die

If I die, I don't want people to cry for me. I just want people to feel sad. When they cry, I will start to doubt the tears.

If I die, just leave me alone. I don't need extravaganza set-up and farewell gifts. Just a simple funeral will do.

If I die, all my money must go to orphanage to benefit the children. My family members can only take the leftover items.

If I die, I would like do donate whatever organs that is needed. No point burning them into ashes and let the needy die.

I will add on more later if I think of more.

Don't think that I'm going to suicide. I am scared of dead more than anyone else. The above are my heart felt feeling.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I will never have girlfriend/wife like Miss XX

First thing first, Miss XX is not someone I know in real life (luckily not).

I first get to know Miss XX through my polytechnic lecturers and my friends. First impression was: BITCH. Sorry if "bitch" is too strong a word.

In her online diary, she went around attacking other people. She may find it amusing and funny but I find it irritating and disgusting. Only immature, childish kids do this.

If her online diary can win awards and gain recognization, then the group of people who gave the awards to her must be blind. Such a badly organize online diary with lots of cursing, vulgarities and personal attack, I think the online diary should be closed down or awarded with "Worst Blog Ever".

At this point of time, if you are wondering who is Miss XX. Let me tell you that Miss XX is just some fantasy character that never exists in real life. How can some girl in real life be so bitchy.

According to my friend, Miss XX is studying Mass Communication in Singapore Polytechnic. She is fat, like to wear makeup to cover her ugliness and have no less than 7 pimples on her face at each time. Needless to say, her most important item in life would be her makeup kit which she uses to cover her pimple.

You are still wondering who the idiot is Miss XX? Sorry, I will not reveal her identity because by doing so, I am inviting critics to myself and my blog. Actually, the most important reason is I don't want to dirty my blog with her pictures (which I have alot) and details.

I will NEVER have girlfriend/wife like her. If such a girl would ever fall for me and stick to me (it's so disgusting), I would rather go be a monk.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Comparing Height

Height: The condition or attribute of being relatively or sufficiently high or tall.

I don't know why people just like to compare height. It seems people just like to compare almost anything that has a numerical value attached to it. In school, classmates usually will teased the one that is shorter. At home, parents like to compare their child with other child.

Example: My youngest brother (13 years old) always get into a height comparison with our cousin (11 year old). No doubt that our cousin is really taller but must they do it everytime they come our house? It's in the genes sometimes. His parents are tall that's why he's tall too.

Another example: When I was younger, a neighbour always like to compare my height to her daughter. Okay, I admit I was shorter than her daugther. HEY! Girls reach puberty first than boy, so what's wrong with she standing at a height taller than me? I just met this girl again a few days back, she's now shorter than me. HAHAHA!

So what if you are tall or if you are short. It doesn't matter! People just like to compare numerical numbers. From height to weight to examination results. It will just make the "lower number" feel sad and the "higher number" feel happy. But, what's the point.

P.S. I'm not short. I'm just of average height.