Monday, March 27, 2006

The end

I don't know what else can I blog about. All the things that are in my mind are already poured out in words into this blog.

Mind blockage. Maybe I need to take a break in search of ideas before blogging again.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Kids and their vulgar words

Earth is still revolving around the Sun.
Stars still shining.
Sun is still providing heat.

What has changed from the last century to this century. Kids.

A few days back, I walked past a playground near my house. I witness Primary school kids shouting vulgarities, cursing and swearing loudly and clearly like nobody business.

What is the world turning to? Is it because they find it cool to say such words or are they just following what their friends say.

Society. School. Home. Home is another factor. I used to think that "Home" is the most important factor as education begins from home. But, alot of kids/teenagers who spam vulgar words doesn't do it at home.

I'm guessing that most of the kids who speak vulgarities doesn't even know what it means. They are just spamming it because they find it cool and it will fit them into their crowd of friends. This is so unright. Morally wrong.

Kids, learn. Vulgar is not cool. Abstain it.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Sometimes, I wish I can get into an accident and get all my memories erased. In computer term, it means to 'format' my brain memory. It's getting too cluttered with alot of redundant data. People entering my life, taking up memory, then leave my life as if I have never met them before.

I remember in the post "Tsunami disaster after 1 year", there is a sentence that goes "Let the past be part of the memories that is not to be erased". I feel so contradicting now. Now I want to delete my memories and then live my life from a fresh. This is not what I have planned my life to be. I once had control of my life and I'm very optimistic. Some unforseen incident changed me.

Maybe I can do partial deletion. Delete those bad data memories from my brain, only keep the useful and important ones. Don't ask me what's useful and important.

That's how funny mankind can be. People will befriend you for a while just for the sake of making more friends, then abandon you like a wrongly born child when everything is over.

My feeling now is a mixture of sad and angry. Why on Earth do I have this kind of friends? Can I still call them friends?