Thursday, January 24, 2008

no GOOD SERVICES but still pay TAX (GST)

29 years later after gaining independence, Singapore government decide to introduce GST on 1 April 1996. Everyone complains but still has to pay the 3%.

9 years later on 1 January 2003, GST increased to 4%. Everyone complains but still pay the 4%.

Exactly a year later, it's raised to 5%. Complain also no use.

On 1 July 2007, GST is at a high fly of 7%! It's something we got to accept but the increase in GST doesn't show any improvement in service.

GST, short for Goods and Services Tax, is included in almost everything we paid except a few items such as residential property. Yes, we paid for the "goods" (items) we received. What about the "services"?

Does the GST only concerns about "goods" but not "services"?

Take a look at the recent cases of MRT breakdown. Everytime there's a MRT failure, there will be a huge mass of crowds getting loss for they don't know what to do because the MRT staff also don't know what to do. After the constant increase in transport fare, why are we still getting such low class service?

Maybe it's time we pay only 3.5% GST because "service" is not provided up to standard.

MRT fare rise, breakdown rates rises too.
Bus fare rise, frequency and customer satisfaction didn't rise.
Taxi fare rise, yet some taxis still doesn't accept card payments.

That's the headache.

I don't like to bring too much cash with me when I go out. With only my cards and very little cash, I got to wave and board a taxi with caution. If the taxi doesn't accept card, I'm in trouble. World class service?

A good suggestion from me, make EZ-Link card a form of payment for taxi fare too. EZ-Link card is suppose to be a nation-wide card that allows payment to be make easily and contactless. Why is it only a few places other than buses and MRTs are accepting EZ-Link card?

Observed a restaurant bill before? 10% service charge, then another 7% GST on top of the service charge. What are we thinking? Doesn't the 7% GST includes "services"? Why are we double paying? Oh, the "services" from the GST is for the government while the 10% service charge is for the restaurant. Yes, we pay the 10% service charge even if the service of the staff is not up to standard. The price on the menu is not what you will be paying eventually.

So, why must we pay for so much "services" when we aren't exactly offered the services worth the money? Is it because we Singapore customers are stupid and are willing to fork out the extra money? Is it time we start to use the "tipping" system again if we like the service? Forcing innnocent us to pay for ridiculous services is not the way to go.

More than 100% increment in GST in 13 years. It's high time the government gives us an explanation and show us the exact "services" they are refering to. Give the really poor families some hope, don't wait till someone jumps onto the MRT track then everyone starts helping. Pay more attention to the needs of the people. Don't just answer "yes yes" when there's an election. Try experience being a normal Singaporean instead of sitting in the office almost everyday and being ferried around in a car.

I know, being a government offical is not easy. Alot of brain power and paper works need to be done and sort out daily. It's just that sometimes we don't understand why government rarely discuss problem with us and joins Singaporean in discussion. Decision passed down from the government and we have no choice but to follow it. Do we have a say?

We Singaporeans have alot to say. Does the government has alot to say too?

No more GST increment until we see the GOOD SERVICE first.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cyclist at losing end

Reading the newspaper these days about how selfish Singaporeans want cyclist who cycles on pedestrain path to get fined is heating me. It's obviously an act of selfishness and how suprisingly newspaper still prints it. Maybe it's to let the whole Singapore knows who are the "bad eggs".

Is it those who hate cyclist are non-cyclist? Non-cyclist as in they don't cycle often, not that they "don't know how to cycle". I could be right at the fact that non-cyclist are stirring things up, wasting the precious time of the newspaper editors and their ink.

What's so bad about sharing your walking path way with a cyclist? Is it really that hard to move aside when you hear the bell rings? Or is it you always walk on the middle of the path and your legs have problem turning side way? All the excuses about cyclist cycling too fast that someone (pregnant woman, children, elderly) nearly got knock down is just too ridiculously funny. Good attempt in your fantasy story creation.

Cyclist cannot cycle on road? Stop suggesting this idea or, soon, cyclist will be make to buy COE and pay road tax. Vehicles on road are subjected to road tax in case you don't know.

I know, you selfish people just want more cyclist to get into accident on the road so that you can STOMP it or YouTube it. Blame it on this group of selfish pedestrain for the increase of bicycle accidents on road. Now, are they trying to shift the blame to the cyclist or the motorist for the accidents? But before that, they will argue about cyclist injuring pedestrains.

Which one is more servere, fatal and life threatening? Cyclist gets hit by monsterous vehicle or pedestrains getting hit by bicycle? I believe those with basic IQ and general common sense will know the answer. The issue here is about lowering the risk of injuries and getting everyone to travel around safely. Sadly, some people just don't care. They have the thinking that a little metal-framed bicycle with only 2 tiny wheels that has no motor mechanism can cause serious injuries to a pedestrain.

You argue the fact that cyclist should only cycle at cycling track since it's built for the obvious reason. I can't agree less but that "obvious reason" is not really obvious for some pedestrains. Why do I see pedestrains from all walk of life strolling down the cycling track which it's suppose to be used by cyclist? If cyclist can't use pedestrain path, why can pedestrain walk on cycling track? Isn't this a lose-lose situation for cyclist? How about a $50 fine for pedestrains who use the cycling path?

I'm quite lucky to be living in Tampines where the government is testing out the plan to let cyclist and pedestrains share the same path. Of course it will be a success. Sharing good things while avoiding bad things (accidents) can't get any better.

If only everyone is more gracious towards everyone, wouldn't it be better? Pedestrains sharing the path way with cyclist. Singapore has racial harmony, maybe it's time we have travelling harmony for non-motorist travellers.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Body engine

Like any other vehicles, the most important part is perhaps the engine. A car without engine or faulty engine can't move (unless you push it or drag it). The easiest way to repair an engine is to change the engine.

Just as our human body, the most important part is our heart. Our heart pumps blood with oxygen to every part of our body. Perhaps our heart is the only few organs in our body that works non-stop from the day you are in your mum's womb. It beats and pumps faithfully, working for you without complains.

That's when the problem came in. We abuse our body, abuse our heart. Just like the Chinese believe, all sickness comes in from the mouth; the food we eat. High calories french fries, high sodium instant noodle and high cholestrol pork chop. Who really cares about healthy lifestyle and check the nutrition table of the food packaging before buying. As long as it's delicious (and cheap), buy it!

But it's not always the case. Our fragile heart can just surrenders and give up on us anytime. Yes, I'm sad that MC King dies. If you are a local Singaporean, I'm sure you have heard of this comedian MC King (not his real name of course). He just passed away yesterday at the age of 40. What's wrong? Body engine not working right?

Makes me worries about life, it's so fragile. Life can end just so unexpectedly. One moment up, one moment down. Maybe that's the ups and downs of life.

Just like my chest pain. My chest pain problem is not something I've talked about in my blog so this will be the first. According to doctor's preliminary tests, my chest problem is not related to my heart. That's something to feel "lucky" about. It has been happening for about 5 or 6 years now. Don't know, don't care.

Recently, my chest pain problem has worsen since enlisting into NS. I know, some people will think that I'm just trying to "chao keng" through the training. I'm not. You people don't bloody judge me and come to just random conclusion. If you have random chest pain that disturbs your life even when you are not exercising, then you will know how terrible is it. Every attack, even minor ones, will makes you think whether you are going to survive it or not. Something I'm afraid of most, death.

Of course, some of my better buddies will know me. Whenever I have an attack, be it minor or major, they are always there to help me. Especially my unlucky bed buddy who has to drag me for the 12km route march as I'm really not feeling well. I endured, but I think he endured more than me. Alot of buddies also came to my aid when I'm in need of help. Many thanks to them; I will surely remember you for your act.

In my course of BMT, I've seen alot of people who purposely wanted to be "unhealthy". People who purposely make themself ill and report sick just to skip lessons. You know? I despise you! You are healthy, you can go command school (SISPEC/OCS) yet you choose to be a weakling. Wait till one day when you are really unfit or ill, then you will start to treasure your life and health. Oh well, humans are lazy.

Talking about treasuring my life and health, I try to take charge of my life. I don't drink alcholic stuffs and smoke for fear my body can't take it anymore. Self-control. Healthy people wants to be unhealthy by abusing their body. As much as I can, I try to eat things that is not too unhealthy by choosing the healthier choice. Of course, I'm just a human. Sometimes, I can't resist the delicious KFC or mouth-watering ice-cream. At least it's not something I eat often.

Actually, there is no main topic in my mind when writing this entry. This entry is very general. But in my conclusion, the thing I would like to say is... CHERISH YOUR LIFE!

You never have more than enough life to squander away.