Friday, September 29, 2006

Yellow Ribbon Project

Yellow Ribbon Project

If you are a Singaporean, most likely you would have heard of the Yellow Ribbon Project before.

A few ribbon project in Singapore:
Yellow ribbon - Give ex-offender a second chance
Pink ribbon - Something related to AIDS
Green ribbon - Anti-drug

If you are not a Singaporean, your idea of "Yellow Ribbon" might be different. You might be refering to this: The international suicide prevention programme.

Anyway, I'm focusing on the "yellow ribbon" in Singapore, not anything related to do with the suicide. However, if you feel like committing suicide, that website might come in handy.

To the main topic, would Singapore accept ex-offender to work on the society? Even if they accept, would they treat them differently?

This morning, I was at McDonalds eating breakfast and I saw a long advertisment about Yellow Ribbon Project. Last week, I was on the MRT travelling and I saw a pictorial banner in train advertising the Yellow Ribbon Project.

I seriously think we should give them a second chance. We usually condemn people when they make mistake be it the situation. We have the mindset that "you did something wrong means you are bad". Can we give them a second chance? People do commit mistake in a moment of folly. You don't expect everyone to be perfect right?

Come on, let's give them a second chance. If they are willing to change for the better. People says "leopard doesn't change its spot". I don't know. The only thing I know is that people do change. However, there are people who doesn't appreciate the effort. The society give them a second chance to prove themself yet they decide to walk the dirty path again. Maybe they have their reasons?

If they deserve it, give it to them. If they don't deserve it, don't give it to them. Wait till the day when they realise their folly, they will seek forgiveness, then we will give them what they need.

Those ribbon are just plain disgusting. I remember in primary school, everyone was compulsory to wear the green ribbon. For the society now, I think they should start educating on the pink ribbon.

Ribbon riboon~

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Man, are we too fast?

Yes we are. We are living in a fast paced society where slow is not an option?

Last week, I took a slow walk around Tampines neighbourhoood. A good 2 hour walk. People are rushing past me as though I'm a not important barricade in their path. I began to wonder why people are always rushing? Ever rushing.

Taking the escalator is suppose to be a relaxing job since you can save the effort of climbing up the stairs. Yet some people decide to walk up the escalator. Are they really rushing for time or is it they want some exercise?

At the traffic light waiting to cross the road. The car is still at a distant, let's cross! Oh, why? Can't you wait for a little moment more for the light to turn red. You would rather sacrifice a little waiting time in exchange for a risk of ending your life sooner. Are they really rushing their time or are they testing their reflexibility?

Take a break from the rush and enjoy the beating of the wind, the splashing of the sun, the shouting of the sea and the speech of humans. When's the last time you slow down yourself and take a break from the fast paced society to enjoy? Did you really enjoy?

Come on people, slow down and take a break from your life. There's a Chinese saying that says that taking a break means preparing for the longer route ahead. Yeah, we are not robot that operate 24 hours a day. No matter what we do, we deserve a break. Pamper yourself abit does no harm. Don't over do it.

Understand? Let's enjoy the moonlight tonight!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

3 wishes

Fairy tale, is just fairy tale. They can never happen in real life. The purpose of such story is to educate children. Each story has a moral behind it. Example of fairy tales are Jack and the Beanstalk, Pinochio, Cinderella and Aladdin and his Magic Lamp.

As childish as I am, sometimes I do really wish that I get to meet some genie, God, fairy or deity. Then they will ask me for my three wishes and grant them for me. Three wishes is enough.

My first wish will be as always, world peace. I don't want people to be in war. War is cruel because innocent life will be lost and sacrifices, making people sad. Greed is the root to all evil. Greed started war. If only everyone is not greedy, there will not be war and it will be world peace!

My second wish is that I want everyone in the world to have a proper meal with decent food to it. Hate to see children in 3rd world country digging the rubbish dump for food. Some children even sniff glue just to satisfy their hunger. Sad scene isn't it. While people in Singapore just dump food around like it's free, people in 3rd world country are digging for food. Not only children, adults too. People begging and sheltering in the streets. They deserved a proper meal too. Hunger is not a good feeling to have.

My third wish will be for myself. I'm selfish? Don't know. After having world peace and everyone having a proper meal. I think it's time for me to take care of myself; my health. I want to live a healthy life. That doesn't mean I want to live until the end of the Earth. I just want a healthy life with no diseases and illness. Of course, the easiest way is to have a balanced diet and exercise regulary. Since I'm granted 3 wishes, I might as well abuse it.

What is life without world peace? Some people say, just let them fight for all they want. But the world doesn't revolves around you, me and we only. Everyone's action has a part to play to the revolution. I know I can't stop the war. I know I can't satisfy people's hunger. I know I can't make myself healthy. Maybe that's why it's call fairy tale.

I might just die one day without any wish being fulfilled. Someone please give me a Magic Lamp.

Friday, September 01, 2006

To: Sianster

P.S. This is a boring topic. You are warned.

I hate Sianster. If you are Sianster and you are reading my blog now, I advise you to go find something to do. Reading my blog is the last thing you would ever think of doing.


Sianster is a new word I just invented. It refers to some one who always say "sian". "Sian" means boring in Hokkien. I didn't apply patent or copyright for this word as I don't see the need. If you are a Sianster, feel free to tag it in your MSN.

I hate it when people come to me and say "sian". Just freaking get lost! What's with you are "sian" and come bother me? I can't possibly satisfy you because I'm not you. If you need activities to get out of your boredom world, you should not be looking for me as I'm a boring person.

It's your own life. Don't ask others to plan it out for you. If you are really "sian", go find something to do. Anything. Doing something will make you occupied so you will not feel "sian".

Since you took the effort to read until this point of my blog, I will pass on some ways of keeping occupied to you. You can go to watch funny video clips. You can also join any discussion forum and chat about almost anything and you can make more friends! If you don't have an internet connection that is easily obtained, you can go out yourself to those neighbourhood shopping mall such as Tampines Mall to have a walk. Feel free to lust about the things you want to buy but please don't commit any crime. If you have a phone, you can also phone your friend and ask them out for a chat. This is a good way to keep in contact with your friend. If they decline your request for a meet-up, respect their decision. Do not hang on the phone line and says "please lah I really very sian". If anyone ever tells me that, I will slam down the phone.

Now I've taught you some skills of getting rid of your boredom, please don't feel "sian" anymore.

I seriously don't understand Sianster. It's your life to plan. If you are feeling "sian", it's also your own planning. You yourself need to find way to get rid of your boredom. You cannot expect people to say "ok lah, I help you not sian". How to help? Take a vacuum cleaner and suck out all the "sian-ness" in you?

I just remember something. Another method to reduce boredom is to maintain a balance diet and have a good night sleep. Don't tell me that you are too "sian" to eat and sleep. If you are really too "sian" for anything, I suggest you go die since you have no point living.

Another good habit of me is not using the word "sian" randomly. That's why you don't see me going around to friend and say "sian" and give the moody (emo) face. If I always show sad face to my friend, they will get sad too. Then suddenly my whole bunch of friends is sad. What's the fun about having a bunch of sad friends? It's not cool. So I am always happy. So many things in life to get occupied about, why "sian"?

Sianster, bye!